Another Trip to Bungonia
Mark really loves this area! He organised another bunch of his fitness group people to head into the gorge on a beautiful weekend in April.
The group was quite large, and most of us met up at Hungry Jacks on the Hume. All of us except Mark turned up on time, but after a few phone calls and map readings, we head off to the trail head where we would meet Mark. He turned up pretty much right when we did, so everything was back to plan.
We quickly organised the usual car shuffle leaving a number of vehicles at our exit point before heading off from the main Bungonia office area.
The weather was perfect and after a few photos at the first lookout, we started heading down into the gorge.
Nobody really had any trouble which was great. We hit the river at around 1:00pm and continued a bit further before stopping for lunch on the sandy banks.
Shortly after lunch we started the river crossing - with the water temperature much higher than our previous trip, there was no pain to be had!
We approached the main camp area around 3:30pm, greeted by quite a large number of people! A large group of people were camped at the main camp area, but we continued a few hundred metres down the river to our usual spot, which we ended up sharing with another small group.
Shortly after setting up camp, a few others head off to view the chimney and other sites, while the rest of us hung around camp, took a swim and setup the fire for the night.
The usual happy camp stories were shared during the evening. Only a handful of people got out of control - you know who you are ;) But a great evening was had by all, with the weather being excellent we all had a great night.

The next morning was all about packing up and taking the slow walk up the hill back to our cars. The track wasn’t as steep as I remember it, but perhaps my lighter pack and stronger legs had something to do with that. And Mark didn’t even need to carry my pack this time!
Some of us stopped off at Burrawang pub for lunch. The place was packed and we waited ages for food - but all worth it in the end as we sat around and soaked up the beautiful autumn sunshine.
Google Maps
- bungonia
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