PLAN: Blue Mountains - Wallarra Heights

summary: A lightly trodden track starting from the Kanangra Walls road, leading off to the Wallarra Heights and surrounding area
date: August 2007
distance: 20 hard kms
tags: HIKE - PLAN - BLUEM - WALLARRA - 2007
views: 1581

Getting there

Departing from Wollongong, head for The Blue Mountains via Narellan and Penrith (250kms, 4hours).

Departing from Sydney, use the Western freeway from the City heading west (150kms, 3hours).

Follow the main road across the mountains, past Katoomba and through Blackheath. Down Mount Victoria on the West of the mountains and turn left to Jenolan Caves about 10km after reaching the bottom of Mount Victoria. Follow Jenolan Caves Road through to the caves, and out the other side. About 10km's past Jenolan Caves, there is a turn to the left signposted to the National Park and Kanangra Walls. Turn left here. The road turns to dirt here, and the camp for the first night will be along the Morong Creek fire trail, about 20km’s along the Kanangra Walls road, just after the Boyd’s River Crossing Campground. [GR 56H 228400 6235500]

DAY 1 – Kanangra Pass, Mount Barrallier, Mount Wallarra (10km, 5 hours)

From the campsite head out along the Kanangra Walls Road. The trail head is found on a bend as the road goes through the Kanangra Pass [GR 229388 6234613]. Since the walk will end up a couple of km’s down the road, the decision needs to be made on where to park your car for the easiest recovery on return.

From the trail head, the track heads off in a South West direction for a little less than 1km, at which point it turns to the South just before the crossing of Christy’s Creek. There will be another small creek crossing a couple of hundred metres south, and then the trail turns to the East South East. The easiest path can be found by following the ridge line across to the peak of Wallarra Heights [GR 230003 6232878] before turning to the South and heading for Mount Barrallier.

Once on the plateau of Mount Barrallier there are some great views in all directions. To the East of the peak is Barralliers Crown which is the next point of interest.

Back track to where the trail reached the plateau and find the trail leading around to the East, and then turning to the South along the contours of Mount Barralliers Eastern cliff face. The trail here follows the ridge line all the way to Barralliers Crown which is about 500 metres.

After circling the crown, there are two options, either back track to the top of Wallarra Heights, or head due north until you reach the Wallarra Heights ridge line. Back tracking will add about 1km to the walk, but is the less steep option. Once on the ridge top, head to the East towards Mount Wallarra. This should be between half and 1 km walking depending on which option you took.

From the East side of Mount Wallara [GR 230989 6232804] there are some amazing views down the Myles Gorge. There are eight water falls along this gorge before it hits the Wheengee Whungee Creek in Christy’s Gorge.

For the final section of todays trail, head due North over Mount Wallarra and towards Christy’s Creek. The terrain should be low scrub and easily navigable. Locate the camp site along Christy’s creek just into the tree line. There is plenty of water here, and shelter [GR 230827 6233344].

DAY 2 – Christy’s Creek, Dione Falls, Pindari Top, Mount Bungin, Mount Colboyd, Kanangra Walls Road (10km, 6 hours)

From the Christy’s Creek camp area, cross the creek to the North and follow the contours around to the North East. You will pass Dione Falls after about 1km, before crossing the river again and heading to the top of the Marrilman Heath plateau. The track should be easy going here and easy to find.

After a few hundred metres, the trail turns to the South and heads towards Pindari Top [GR 232185 6233535] which once again provides some amazing views down the Myles Gorge. At this stage, you may choose to drop your pack and take a day pack as we will come past this spot later in the day on the way home.

After admiring the views, continue to the South, and off the Pindari plateau. The track drops down the steep cliff face onto Pindari Gap. Caution should be taken here as the rock footings are often very loose. Not long after dropping onto Pindari Gap, the track once again rises up onto Mount Bungin. At this point the track turns to the South East to traverse over to Mount Bulgin [GR 232724 6232616]. The location here should provide some amazing views down the Arabanoo canyon to the East.

From here, turn to the West and find the easiest track down and to the South. The track should take you along Bungin Gap and then due South to summit an unnamed peak [GR 232247 6231973] before turning South East towards Mount Colboyd. There is no easy way to summit this mountain as it is surrounded in steep cliffs. Take care if you do find a way to the top to make sure that you can also come back along this track!

After breaking for lunch at Mount Colboyd, re-trace the trail back to Bungin Gap, Mount Bungin and across Pindari Top. From here, head North West back to Kanangra Walls road at Marrilman Heath [GR 231714 6234608].

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[56H 232291 6232357]
[56H 232246 6231972]
[56H 230826 6233344]
[56H 231309 6233751]
[56H 231713 6234607]
[56H 231675 6234071]
[56H 232724 6232616]
[56H 232349 6232751]
[56H 232888 6231597]
[56H 232211 6233280]
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[56H 232184 6233534]
[56H 230615 6231922]
[56H 228920 6233807]
[56H 230185 6232318]
[56H 228399 6235499]
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[56H 230989 6232803]
[56H 229387 6234612]
[56H 230003 6232878]
[56H 230565 6232973]