PLAN: Blue Mountains - Uni Rover trail

summary: A very old and well trodden trail from the heights of Morong creek to the depths of the Kowmung river
date: July 2007
distance: 40kms
tags: HIKE - PLAN - BLUEM - UNIROVER - 2007
views: 3771

Getting there

Departing from Wollongong, head for The Blue Mountains via Narellan and Penrith (250kms, 4hours).

Departing from Sydney, use the Western freeway from the City heading west (150kms, 3hours).

Follow the main road across the mountains, past Katoomba and through Blackheath. Down Mount Victoria on the West of the mountains and turn left to Jenolan Caves about 10km after reaching the bottom of Mount Victoria. Follow Jenolan Caves Road through to the caves, and out the other side. About 10km's past Jenolan Caves, there is a turn to the left signposted to the National Park and Kanangra Walls. Turn left here. The road turns to dirt here, and the camp for the first night will be along the Morong Creek fire trail, about 20km’s along the Kanangra Walls road, just after the Boyd’s River Crossing Campground. [GR 56H 228400 6235500]

DAY 1 – Morong Creek Trail to Kowmung River (18km, 7 1/2 hours)

From the campsite head to the start of the Uni Rover Trail which is about 1km down the track [GR 56H 227551 6234720]. There may be a need to walk to the trail head, depending on current road conditions. Heading South West from the trail head, the track is well marked. You will pass through some forested areas, some marsh land and a small river crossing before arriving at the first location of interest, which is an rock formation known as Lost Rock [GR 56H 227182 6232155]. You will find excellent views here to the East. From Lost Rock continue to the South past the Upper Wooglemai creek which provides a good camping area if required on the return leg.

From here, the track continues around Mount Goondel, before continuing to the South East along the main trail. The track continues in this direction until Devastation Gully, where it turns to the East [GR 56H 228473 6228613], and then back to the South East. The track is difficult to pick up in some areas, so make sure you keep the map handy, and know which ridge line you are walking on.

Mount Savage is the next peak to cross, and is a useful place to stop for lunch. After Mount Savage, continue on to Mount Hobnail [GR 56H 231104 6227063]. There are some amazing native grasses in this area. Be sure not to continue too far along the main ridge line, but to turn to the east at the appropriate time and follow the steep ridge line down the hill.

Soon you will approach the top of Lannigans Spur which is signified by the change in vegetation. The eucalypts are replaced by large stands of casurina at this stage. You can take a small detour to the west at the top of the spur to an amazing lookout over the valley below [GR 56H 232763 6226346]. After taking a break at the lookout, continue down Lannigans Spur. The decent is quite rapid, so take the walk slowly. There is a track here to follow but is still hard to follow, so just make sure you have your bearings and continue down the ridge line.

As you approach the bottom of Lannigans Spur, the trees will thin out, and the slope will flatten out a little. At about 300m before the bottom of the spur you can take a turn to the east down to the river down a gentle slope, or turn to the west down the steeper slope. There are a number of camping areas along the river to choose from. There is also an abundance of fire wood to collect for the camp.

If walking this track in winter with the short days, be sure to start early as this is a full days walk. Arriving at the Kowmung in the dark would be difficult and dangerous.

DAY 2 – Kowmung River to Morong Creek Trail (18km, 8 hours)

The return leg of this walk is along the same trail as the day before. Once again be sure to start eary as it will take a little extra time to get up the steep slope of Lannigans Spur. The track is easier to follow as you go up hill, perhaps because the walking is slower.

If you need to camp overnight on the way back, the camp site just before you reach Lost Rock is a good location, and will reduce the days walking by approximately 1 1/2 hours.

EXTRA – Lannigans Creek to Colong Caves (5km, 2hours)

If you intend to stay at The Kowmung River campsite a little longer, there is a good walk across the river to Colong Caves.

Continue along the Northern side of the river for 300m to find a river crossing. From here the track follows Lannigans Creek to the South. About 5kms along the track you will find the Colong Caves.

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[56H 233749 6219649]
[56H 231104 6227063]
[56H 232762 6226346]
[56H 227181 6232155]
[56H 226939 6232060]
[56H 228399 6235499]
[56H 230118 6227294]
[56H 228473 6228613]
[56H 227550 6234719]
[56H 233544 6224276]